Hey, Its late at night. Did you know this??? Anyways, I love graffiti. I know it destroys public property, and costs money to clean it up. But sometimes, its just the best way to get the message out. It is the voice of the poor, the voice of the marginalized, the voice of those who take back public space. It forces views to be noticed, and changes how we interpret our surroundings. Enough of my psycho-babble, here's some cool politically-motivated vandalism.

This is downtown guelph, on the wall of Sun-Sun's. I don't suggest voting for nobody, at least put "abstain" on your ballot.

This sweet piece was in Vancouver. I like how it references Stephen Harper and George Bush with Pinky and the Brain. funny. I used to watch Animaniacs, and Pinky and the Brain was the shizzz.

This piece was in Brooklyn, NY. We also have a Conservative party in Canada. Whether you think they are "Con-Men" or not, is for you to decide.

Ahh, tar sands. Very topical. I love these "stop" graffitis. This is not from Guelph. I don't know where its from, but its a pretty creative use of signage.

It says "Let's go blood genocide for oil". Do you think this is true?

This is Banksy. He's pretty popular now, but I liked him before he was cool (<-my attempt at being trendy). This is on the dividing wall between Israel and Palestine. Political? very much so.
I think this is so creative. So much expression with minimal work and lines. Also on the Israeli-Palestine wall. Also Banksy.
I painted this in grade 10, on a bridge. Besides infringe on laws, I was trying to make a statement about child soldiers, and sort of put-the-issue-in-the-face of establishment. heck yeahs!
There is tons more politically motivated graffiti out there. Search Guelph, you'll find it.
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