note: I made a drawing of the candidates before I knew Marty Burke would not attend, and that the Communist Party and the Animal Alliance Party would be present. Rather than make a new drawing, I crudely edited my previous drawing in manner even Bev Oda would approve of.

Burke's absence from the local forum, and the subsequent televised Leader's Debate, made something very clear to me. This is not an election between political parties across the spectrum. It is an election between Stephen Harper's Conservatives and NOT Stephen Harper's Conservatives. Does that make sense? Let's not forget why this election occurred. It was due to contempt. By holding the government in contempt of Parliament, the majority of the House of Commons wanted an election to redistribute the power. But if the opposition cannot agree who will take power, it will again result in a Conservative minority. Unless the Liberals, NDP, Green and *Bloc* can come together in a *coalition* or if some voters compromise some of their beliefs and strategically vote for the dominate opposition party, it's status quo. Don't hate the player, hate the game.
With little exception, I feel the messages of the Liberal, NDP, and Green platform can be lost within their inter-party squabbling; at least at a federal level. However, at the local MP forum candidates seemed mostly cordial and agreeable with each other positions. If Burke attended the forum it would have been way more interesting; like the difference between french fries and poutine. Once you add all that fat, it just becomes so much more appealing.
I can't speak to directly to Mr. Burke's case; perhaps he has an ill family member or his car broke down. But the failure to send a representative to the forum, shows contempt to the public. It shows a failure to provide information and insight to the public regarding your party. It also shows a lack of concern for the audience. Students.
Gee whiz, you're telling me there was no hotshot Conservative up-and-comer willing to take Burke's place?
To be fair, from Burke's perspective he doesn't really have any reason to attend. The student audience is mostly at odds with the Conservatives after stories of Awish Aslam and Izzy Hirji filled the media. A perceived "Liberal protest", which was actually a "vote mob", might have scared the Conservatives away from any land adjacent to the university. The Conservatives also don't need student votes. Or should I say, they don't want students to vote... for anyone... According to polls, if students/youth voted the ranks of the opposition parties would be bolstered with support, and the Conservatives would be fighting a steeper uphill battle. How bad does it sound when a wise political strategy is to disengage a group's interest as much as possible to keep power? It is a sad reality. Stephen Harper's political prowess has been likened to an excellent chess player; excellence aside, it is remarkably clear who the sacrificial pawns are in his game against the opposition.
I'd argue the vast majority of Conservative students will vote Conservative regardless of the issues at hand. I did see some young Conservatives scattered around the audience videotaping the major party candidates. Towards the end they stopped video taping John Lawson's segments. Maybe their batteries were dying. Then I guess it was back to the bat cave to scrutinize hours of film for political misspeak from candidates. But you know what? More power to them. This ardent support and proactive style of dominance is what has kept Stephen Harper in power, for better or worse.
At least Burke doesn't hide his cynical contempt. Wonder why anybody would run for a party and then carelessly disregard potential voters. I mean, is there money in this enterprise? Tax deductibles, matching funds?Brownie points? Diplomatic posting?
ReplyDeleteI just don't get it.
don't hate the player, hate the game. In the current electoral set-up, the Harper government has nothing to gain from students voting, if students vote it will actually hurt the Conservative's standing. So I completely understand why Marty Burke wouldn't show. The current set-up promotes this kind of behaviour; it was a wise decision on behalf of the Conservatives to not engage any students, and hinder there political experience as much as possible. However disenfranchised this makes me feel as a student, it is a by product of our electoral system...