What is Michael Ignatieff doing in this Photo? Is a small boy feeding him crackers or is Ignatieff soliciting campaign donations from pre-schoolers? (joke)
What has the Liberal candidate been up to these days? He has campaigned in the GTA, Vancouver and Winnipeg, finally settling into London Ontario earlier today. He has his work cut out for him. Campaigning is like a Green Day punk rock tour minus the debauchery; long days preforming in front of crowds and fending off critics who say you've sold out. Or in Michael Ignatieff's case it's Conservative critics who say he sold out the US and UK for employment and education (see: harvard, teaching and broadcasting). Maybe that's a bit of a stretch.
Here are the Liberal's campaign highlights:
-The Learning Passport: Ignatieff is prepared to give a $1000 - $1500 annual credit towards high school students entering post secondary education. That's a total of $4000 - $6500 over four years. Schveet! Thats half my tuition every year! Clearly, Ignatieff is reaching out to a demographic poorly represented in politics, the students. If this isn't enough incentive for a student to vote, I really don't know what is.
Ignatieff's goal is to have a smarter work force that will make Canadians more employable, earn higher wages, and be more productive. I think this is an excellent policy that will reach out to students.
Although, just to play the devil's advocate: aren't there already too many underemployed people as it is? You no doubt hear stories of university graduates having difficulty finding work, or working menial jobs. It is one thing to turn out university and college graduates, but it is another thing to have them find meaningful employment. Just a thought.
-Early Childhood Learning and Care Fund: $1 billion annually to help fund affordable child care centres across Canada. This is part of the Liberal's Canadian Learning Strategy if they are elected.
-Boost Pensions: Ignatieff has a plan to contribute $700 million to help subsidize retirement plans for seniors on a Guaranteed Income Supplement. It equals roughly an extra $650 per year for each recipient. Ignatieff has also proposed reforms to expand the benefits of the Canadian Pension Plan. Guelph has a lot of seniors, maybe this will appeal to the Guelph electorate.
There you have it folks! Three different strategies by the Liberals to capture votes from all age demographics:
Learning Passport = Students (18-24)
Early Childhood Learning and Care Fund = Middle age / peeps with kids (24 - 65?)
Pension Reforms = Senors (65+)
Let's wait and see what other policies they'll introduce...
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