There is a lot criticism about the Prime Minister being too "cold", too "stern", or too "serious". This is the Prime Minister who methodically plans speaking engagements and remains very uncandid compared to past Prime Ministers. Paul Martin had his boyish grin, Chretien cracked jokes, Mulroney had his Irish charm. But what does Stephen Harper have?
The Conservatives are really playing up the family man aspect of Stephen Harper this campaign. His wife was in the media a lot leading up to the election, Harper's kids have been brought up more in conversation (they're on his facebook profile photo), and Harper has been playin' the piano.
Hmmm, it seems ironic that the leader of the most socially conservative party, who re-opened the gay-marriage issue after it had already been legalized and cut funding to gay rights groups and festivals, is semi-smiling to a song about innate homosexuality. Perhaps this is part of the Conservative's plan to appeal to a larger audience, after alienating gays in 2006. But hey, a photo op is a photo op. That girl has like, 26 million youtube hits. Maybe some of that popularity will rub off on Harper.
The video of Harper playing "With a little help from my friends" by the Beatles, however orchestrated it was, definitely exposed a different side of the Prime Minister; a softer side (John Lennon must have been rolling over in his grave). Harper is capitalizing on this musical/personable/free-spirit image by again busting out the piano skills in the campaign. He hit the keyboard with that girl from Winnipeg who sings Lady Gaga on Youtube, internet sensation Maria Aragon. Here is their Duet:
Also, Stephen Harper likes kittens. Who doesn't like kittens?
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